Technical Assistance

Our team will provide individualized technical assistance, including a grazing management plan for the operation; seed mix recommendations; and one-on-one assessment of available incentive programs.

Practice Incentive Payments

$120/acre value, which includes a Renovo Seed proprietary seed mix and a $60/acre incentive payment.

Program Details

Participating producers may enroll up to 160 acres per operation to interseed or overseed, with a mix that includes at least 12 beneficial, non-invasive prairie grassland species for enhanced grazing and habitat creation.


  • Enrolled acres are intended to be grazed for the program’s 10-year participation period under the grazing management plan.


  • Cannot convert or spray a broad spectrum herbicide on acres during participation period (targeted, spot spraying of noxious weeds only).


  • Must allow monitoring, measurement, and GPS mapping of the operation during participation period to verify environmental outcomes.

Program Advisor

Technical Advisor